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The Opportunities in Print trade show recently hosted by Print and Finishing Equipment, Neopost Ireland Ltd, Danwood Document Solutions Ltd and DWS Supplies Ltd in the Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin on the 27th of September saw one lucky visitor walk away with an iPAD. As part of the marketing for the show visitors were encouraged to sign up for a chance to win this device and Diarmuid Dawson, from Innovative Print Solutions Limited was the lucky winner on the day.

Marketing assistant at PFE Yvonne Maguire said:

“The event was a huge success for all the exhibitors and it was great to see so many customers from both the print and sign industries attend on the day. Our congratulations go out to Diarmuid Dawson, from Innovative Print Solutions who won a new iPAD.”

For those who were unable to attend the tradeshow you can contact any of the following companies for details on any of the equipment showcased.

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