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Horizon need your vote to ‘Cross the line’.

Irish printing company, Horizon, has been nominated in two ‘people’s choice’ categories in the international FESPA Print Awards 2015. This is an amazing result, and represents how well Irish companies are competing internationally.

Horizon’s Marketing Manager, Siobhán Sacker, adds, “We’re incredibly proud to be nominated with the best international firms in this industry. These pieces were designed and produced 100% in-house, and that just shows you how well Irish companies can compete on a global platform. All we need now is the votes to get us over the line!”

They have been nominated in the “Calendars and Postcards” category and the “Cross Media Print Campaign” category. Siobhán is asking you to spare a moment, follow this link and give them your vote!

Competition closes this Sunday the 17th of May.

When you hit the link above, you will arrive on the voting page. Hit the drop down box - “Cross Media Print Campaign”  - and then the Easter Sweetzza image below.
Then hit the drop down box again “Calendars and Postcards” - and vote for the H Calendar 2015.

Easter Sweetzza - Horizon’s Easter Direct Marketing Campaign 2014Easter Sweetzza - Horizon’s Easter Direct Marketing Campaign 2014 H Calendar 2015H Calendar 2015

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