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The worldwide page volume from digital hardcopy devices climbed to 3.1 trillion in 2010, based on new research just released from International Data Corporation (IDC). Interestingly, developing regions led the way with 7.3% page growth in comparison to page volume in 2009. By contrast, page volume in developed markets declined 1.3% year in the same period. As a result worldwide incremental page growth came in at 1.4%. Three particular regions stood out in the report with double-digit growth - Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe.

The main winner was multifunction devices (MFPs) as users continued to adopt the convenience and functionality of multifunction printers which helped increase their lead in page share. As expected single-function printers and single-function digital copiers declined in page volume and share.

MFPs are the leaders in page volume but continue to lag printers in installed base. Worldwide laser printers registered page growth of 1.6%. For inkjets, MFPs are by far the dominant force both in terms of both page volume and installed base.

Colour laser growth continued in all regions and with mono laser still at 85% of the worldwide installed base, the continued growth opportunities for colour is significant.

Other key points:

- Laser printer devices continued the transition to higher speeds across both mono and colour

- Worldwide colour laser page volume grew 11%

- Growing laser A3/A4 demand

- Inkjets comprised the majority of the worldwide installed base with a 64% share

- HP retained the number one position for overall worldwide page share in 2010

- Canon came in second while Xerox retained the number three ranking in worldwide page share

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