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Company offers a multi-sensory experience

with its new Curious Matter swatch book.

New ‘curious matter’ swatch book from AntalisNew ‘curious matter’ swatch book from AntalisAntalis UK has launched a new swatch book, Curious Matter, the latest edition to its Curious Collection of creative papers. It’s intended to give designers, print specifiers and print service providers the opportunity to experience a multi-sensory sensation through touch and feel.

Antalis said the new swatch book aims to stimulate the senses to the endless applications of the Curious Matter family, which it markets as one of the most innovative and distinctive ranges available, offering highly textural, intensely matt and ultra-pigmented papers in a choice of seven distinctive colours.

Central to the intriguing grainy yet luxurious feel of the paper, which exudes the fusion of sand and silk, is the material from which it is made – potato starch. The result is an up-cycled paper that hides its humble beginnings behind what Antalis term as a ‘façade of alluring sophistication’. To add to its quirky appeal, the colours within the Curious Matter family have been named after specific potato varieties, such as Desirée Red, Purple Majesty and Adiron Blue.

“Until you experience the tactile uniqueness of Curious Matter through touching and feeling the substrate, you really can’t appreciate the extra dimension this innovative paper can bring to your finished product,” says Emma Linley, Antalis Creative Papers Product Manager. “This new swatch book gives a free handling experience of the textural assets of the paper as well as allowing you to see just how deep, uniform and intensely matt the colours in the range are.”

Antalis is keen to highlight the fact that Curious Matter has undergone rigorous testing to ensure optimum performance with four-colour and spot varnish offset printing, digital dry toner printing, lithography and letterpress as well as the full range of finishing techniques and processes.

The Curious Collection, which is a result of eight years of product development by Arjowiggins Creative Papers’ Creative Laboratory, is available exclusively through Antalis. The full collection includes Translucents, Metallic’s, Skin, Touch and Cosmic ranges as well as Curious Matter.

For more information about the Curious Matter range, and to obtain a copy of the free swatch book, please contact Antalis on 0044 (0) 870 607 90140044 (0) 870 607 9014 or visit

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