O'Donnell Irish Eyes.
O'Donnell Irish EyesDPNlive has a new name and take on ‘Letter from America’.
Cara Sheridan O’Donnell lives in New York and her first article will appear online on the 17th November.
It’s very much about what has happened over there recently and Cara’s take on things.
She is a former book editor for a major US publisher, mother of four, grandmother of two, and now a freelance writer and editor.
Welcome on board Cara, and thanks for your contribution to DPNlive.com
Cara can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." mce_' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy67960 + '\' style="">'+addy_text67960+'<\/a>';
If you want to make any site comments please send your mails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." mce_' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy81143 + '\'>'+addy_text81143+'<\/a>';