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A trusted brand with high levels of customer satisfaction.

By all accounts the Sign & Digital UK team has built the show as a trusted brand and has confirmed that it will continue to make visitor and exhibitor satisfaction a priority in 2016. According to a recent survey*, Sign & Digital UK 2015 performed above the industry benchmark for visitor satisfaction, with 85 per cent of visitors describing their overall experience as good or excellent – outperforming the industry benchmark of 79 per cent. It added that customer satisfaction has also increased by six per cent since 2014. Next year it will be held in Hall 17 & 18 NEC, Birmingham.

Sign & Digital UK has nearly 30 years of history supporting and reflecting the sign making, display solutions and digital printing industries through its annual exhibition at the NEC, Birmingham, UK. During this time, these fast moving industries have seen huge changes in technology, working practices and in their business models, but Sign & Digital UK maintains it has always offered a unique and relevant marketplace in which buyers and sellers can do business.

The show has also taken steps to ensure the exhibition continues to offer effective ways to attract new business and to consolidate relationships with existing customers. Faversham House, organizers of the event, confirmed the 2016 show will introduce scheduled live demonstrations and an enhanced free educational seminar programme. It will also launch a new meeting booking facility, which will enable exhibitors and visitors to schedule face-to-face meetings ensuring that they can plan ahead to make the best use of their day.

Rudi Blackett, event director for Sign & Digital UK, said:

“We have worked hard to build the show as a trusted brand and we communicate closely with our exhibitors to ensure that they have the information required to make informed choices. This is done in two ways – the first being feedback from customer surveys, and the second being an independent audit of visitor attendance by the BPA**. For suppliers, an exhibition is only as good as the visitors that attend.

“The audit which is conducted in accordance with the Association of Event Organisers’ (AEO) “rules for calculation of statistics for AEO member events” gives us a really clear picture of not only the number of visitors to the show, but also the type of visitor that attends. Face-to-face meetings at exhibitions are, despite the rise in online and social media, still one of the most effective ways to attract new business and to consolidate relationships with existing customers. Having independently confirmed visitor numbers and demographics to give to exhibitors is extremely reassuring and allows them to make an informed decision.”

We have worked hard to build the show as a trusted brand

Francis Stones from the BPA added: “Sign & Digital UK’s annual BPA event audit*** proves they connect the right buyers with the right sellers within the right context. It verifies both the size of the audience and who the audience is. The audit is the UK industry standard, and is there to help organisers establish credibility, build loyalty and create higher-level relationships with their exhibitors. The verified data gives confidence to any sponsor and exhibitor that their marketing and communications spend is going to the right place.”

Sign & Digital UK 2016 takes place at the NEC, Birmingham on 19-21 April and is free to attend for trade visitors. For more information please visit or to enquire about exhibiting, please contact the show team on 0044 (0) 1342 332000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

* Independent post show visitor survey carried out by Zing Insights, April 2015

** BPA Worldwide

*** Sign & Digital UK event attendance audit certificate:

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