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Ms Marina Cogan,Vista Systems Russian saleswoman receives the Technology AwardMs Marina Cogan,Vista Systems Russian saleswoman receives the Technology Award
Advertising Design Russia 2011 Technology Award CertificateAdvertising Design Russia 2011 Technology Award Certificate

Vista System has just announced that it has won the prestigious "Technology Design" award at the Advertising Design Russia 2011 ceremony held in Moscow between September 27th and September 30th, at the closing of the leading tradeshow Reklama-2011.

The ceremony is one of the leading advertising and design events throughout Russia and is organized by Russia's National Advertising Association, the professional design club "HIGH DESIGN", and the exhibition organiser Expocenter.

The event is billed as “identifying the leaders of design in the advertising market" as well as "motivation of the advertising market for the establishment and introduction of innovative technologies".

Vista System International, a leading exponent in Modular Curved Frame Technology (MCFT) won the "Technology Design" award, one of seven categories at the event.

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