ISE signs Memorandum of Understanding with Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Deirdre Somers CEO of ISE with Dr Que Bo VP of Shanghai Stock Exchange at the signing of MOU between the exchanges on the ISE market floor The Irish Stock Exchange (ISE) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the aim of developing a mutually beneficial relationship between the exchanges.
Deirdre Somers, ISE CEO said:
“We are very happy to sign this MOU with our peers from Shanghai. We will be looking at opportunities where our exchanges can leverage our respective strengths to further develop the financial services industry in Ireland, Europe and the People’s Republic of China.”
In 2008 the Central Bank of Ireland (as the Financial Regulator) signed two MOUs with its Chinese counterparts. These MOUs enable Chinese investors to invest in Irish domiciled investment products.
Dr Que Bo, Executive Vice President of the SSE said:
“We are delighted to be in Ireland to sign this MOU. We believe that this will lay a solid foundation for exploring further co-operation between us. The ISE is a highly internationalised exchange and we look forward to sharing information and exchanging our respective market knowledge.”
The ISE is one of the leading venues for listing debts and funds in Europe and has over 31,000 securities listed on its markets from 80 countries around the globe. The SSE is considered the most preeminent stock market in Mainland China.
The signing of the MOU took place on the market floor of the ISE.
Further Information
Ailish Byrne
Head of Public Affairs and Communications
Telephone +353 1 617 4200
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Press release Irish Stock Exchange 17 November 2014
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