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With all the talk about Greek defaults and commentators speculating on the future of the Euro zone, a group of entrepreneurs gathered in the Radisson Hotel in Galway during September to send out a message of hope. Their aim was to find solutions, not excuses and let the world know that Ireland is certainly open for Business. The conference entitled, “Irish Executives Summit” has around 8000 on Linked In and the event was centered on the idea of taking that virtual community and turning it into a real world of business opportunities.

John Keogh, Senior Vice President of GS1 Global Office and founder of Irish Executives, talked about the idea of business people connecting online and then meeting offline. If only this would happen says you!

The four themes of the day were, cloud computing, social media, leadership and the Irish Diaspora.

It was clear that these entrepreneurs believe it’s possible to harness the power of social media sites to attract Irish people here and abroad to get the message across that Ireland is indeed open for business.


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