Aengus-O'SnodaighI was tidying up the DPNlive twitter account this morning and fell across the Aengus Ó Snodaigh ‘inkgate’ debacle. In this article I’m going to let you see some of the comments on twitter and the internet. But before I do that, let me give you the stats:
- He used 434 ink cartridges over a two year period
- Each cartridge costs approx. €130, making the total €50,671
- That is 1.25 cents for every man, woman and child in the country.
- The Daily Mail reckons it was capable of printing 3,250,000 letters. Now, as printers, we all know that it is rated at 5% coverage, so lets assume 25% coverage on average. That means he printed about 815,000 letters.
- 815,000 sheets will stretch from Dublin to Cork
- That is 1630 reams of paper, 326 boxes, 9 pallets.
- At €3.50 per ream, that is €5705
- The average TD uses two cartridges per year
- Allowing for a 46 weeks per working year, 5 days a week, 8 hours per day, no breaks setups and clean-ups, that means he is printing at nearly 4 copies per minute.
- The average printed cost per sheet is nearly 7 cents.
- Mary Lou McDonald said "I can guarantee that all of the cartridges used were for the purposes envisaged and that Aengus used them legitimately and correctly in the course of his political work,"
Some of the internet comments:
- 434 toner cartridges? Guess he really was willing to dye for Ireland.
- My own hypothesis is that he printed mugshots of himself and sent them to three million plastic surgeons looking for quotations.
- Its really too easy. Maybe he's printing money, oh no that's the other crowd, Gilmore's pals!
- And anyway Aengus also had to print in Spanish for the Shinners in Columbia.
- Maybe he got the job of printin the IOU's for the ECB. That's take a fair bit of ink! Hey Darwin – good one! I'd say Aengus was printing An Phoblact on the side.
- Come out ye blackened hands, come out and type me like a man
- We're printing day and night in Ballyfermot
- I find it inkredible that he did not have an inkling that he was doing wrong
- Bled Dry said: “An ink cartridge in one hand and a ream of paper in the other....”
- Did anyone check to see if he took toilet rolls too?
- Anyone that wastes that much of their employers money should be fired!
Of course he was supplying friends and family, check the page count on his printer and I bet it will be a fraction of what he says it is.
Such bull, did the person giving them to him, 3 a day, not think eh how can anyone use that much ink?!?- I've been listening to him on newstalk this morning. He keeps saying he was printing out leaflets. I just cant believe him though, I think he must have been supplying friends and family with toner... it's very strange. He has an unfortunate name too doesnt he... I'm not sure if would use the irish version of my name if it was 'snodig'... sorry for bringing down the 'tone'!
- Maybe he's written a book? But of course then he'd have another expense if he wanted to sell it with a free set of crayons.
- No way of knowing how much paper used or how much it cost apparently. The one thing we can be sure of is that the taxpayer paid for the paper too.
- A
cursory glance at this pic from irishelectionliterature suggests that AOS favours edge-to-edge or full bleed printing for his newsletters. I'm not aware of any Dell printer (if Pearse Doherty is right, and that's the printer we're talking about) that'll actually produce proper edge-to-edge prints, and if we're talking about inkjets, none of this stuff looks like inkjet printing. It looks like what it probably is - regular offset litho - which isn't going to turn into an inkblotter in the rain. Ignoring the obviously older materials here, and the purely election campaign stuff - which he couldn't print from the office, there's still nothing here that looks like it constitutes part of his massive constituency output.
- ECB prints €500 Bn in new money for European banks. Claims that Aengus O Snodaigh made a killing on selling them the ink are unfounded.
- After using €50,000-worth of ink toner in two years, the Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh has been dubbed the 'Wolf Toner'.
- So Sinn Fein are going to oppose the referendum. Will Aengus Ó Snodaigh be doing up the posters then?
- We can only hope Aengus Ó Snodaigh doesn't inspire any copycats
- Taoiseach querying if Gerry Adams and Aengus O'Snodaigh went to the Northern Bank to get a loan for cartridges.
- Aengus O Snodaigh has a lot to answer for in terms of productivity lost in offices this morning as staff look to come up with #inkgate puns
- One of the best things to come out of #inkgate is getting the shinners to shut up for a while
- Already dreading "Funny Friday" RE rehashed #inkgate Twitter jokes
- Watergate scandal was nearly 40 years ago. Can't we come up with something more topical not to mention original? #inkgate
- The O Snodaigh family business is book publishing
- I live in Aengus Ó Snodaigh's constituency and I never got one of his millions of leaflets
- Rachel English on morning_ireland: So you don't think you did anything wrong? Aengus Ó Snodaigh: No, I don't think I did
- Question: Who is Aengus Ó Snodaigh's favourite musician? Níl Toner.
- Im sure Gerry will assure us this was all a pigment of our imaginations
- Sinn Fein have released 25000 copies of a statement denying #inkgate
- Sinn Fein does not point guns says Mary Lou, this cartridge is fully loaded says O Snodaigh
- In 2011 FG claimed €41,407 on ink. With 94 in parliamentary party that's €440.50 each. At that Aengus would be 113 years printing.
- Probably has a contract for supplying the government ink cartridges.
It's been eight years since the Northern Bank job. It's been two days since inkgate. It's a matter of printsiple.
Now lets see how smart your comments can be.
The best comments will win an excuse to go out for a pint.
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