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second hand car deals at bargain pricessecond hand car deals at bargain pricesSecond hand car deals are at record low prices they say but buyers are urged to beware. There is a sting in the tail that has started to bite potential buyers over the last year. The National Consumer Agency has issued a warning to consumers to check that there is no outstanding finance owed on any vehicle they are considering buying.

The agency said that “the issue of dodgy second-hand car sales” was currently the biggest problem it has to deal with.

The comments came in the wake of a new “information kit” published by the Agency for people buying second-hand cars. This was in response to over 2,000 queries it received regarding second-hand cars since January of this year.

The Agency said: ” Most people are unaware that if there is still some finance outstanding on a second-hand vehicle which they have purchased, they will not own the car.”

The kit is available online and includes information on consumer rights as well as what to do if something does go wrong with the purchase.

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