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Campaign for Children poster by Speciality PrintingCampaign for Children poster by Speciality PrintingSince taking over the goodwill last February of Speciality Print & Design, directors Russell Altman and Harry Crean have invested significantly in the new concern, now trading as Speciality Printing. The company uses a mix of litho and digital print to service its client base and has steadily built up a reputation in the graphic design area all over Ireland. Based in Donore Avenue, Dublin 8, Ireland, it specialises in colour printing and binding, bespoke print management systems and digital printing.

Altman said the company upgraded its main litho press, a Heidelberg Speedmaster SM74 5-colour press with coating unit, and was now increasing production in the digital division using a high end Develop ineo+ 6501digital colour press.

“The change from the original company is that we are now printing for a wide range of direct customers as against concentrating on trade work as our core business,” he said. “We do a lot of college work, promotional material, and we have now begun to build up a good list of well-known charity organisations such as Campaign for Children and St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) where we are developing a niche market for the company in this sector. Although the mainstay of the business is centred on high-quality litho work the fact that we also have top of the range digital capabilities allows us to offer clients solutions which other companies just can’t compete with.”

Altman added that Speciality Printing now offered extremely high-quality digital print at very competitive prices.

“We are competing against anyone in Ireland and the intention this year is to double the throughput on the Develop ineo+ 6501 digital colour press. So we are not just focusing on our litho department, but on our digital as well. For short-run work, it’s ideal and it also gives us the flexibility that if our litho machines are full we can handle some of the overflow on the Develop because the quality it produces is so close to litho.”

Another key area for Speciality Printing is thermographic printing, a process which relies on heat to create the letters or images on a sheet of paper, in particular hot foil and hologram printing.

Altman concluded saying that the investments made at Speciality Printing had allowed the firm to focus on high-quality work and offer clients both litho and digital print solutions to an extremely high standard.

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