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Ireland FlagIreland FlagWell at last some good news for Ireland. Latest figures show that Irish Industrial output even outshone Germany during August posting a 10% increase in factory activity during the month.

Overall industrial production jumped unexpectedly across the euro area during the month by 1.2pc from July, the largest gain since the end of 2010.

The results were helped by other countries such as Estonia which posted impressive figures of 23pc against the backdrop of German figures which came in at just 7.8pc, all against the same period last year.

In the last three months Irelands output has grown by 1.8pc compared with last year.

The news has come as a bit of a surprise to economists both here and abroad. The truth though is that no-body really knows where this surprise increase has come from or what is stimulating it.

It’s a guessing game like so much of the economic forecasting that has shown an inability to try and get to grips with the changes and dangers facing us in this uncharted scenario of unprecedented economic conditions.

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