Parent Category: Fun
Category: A Bit of Fun

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You know you're Irish when -

You don't need to study for exams because your Granny lit a candle for you.

You thank bus drivers -

A male is known as a fella and a female is known as a one (pronounced wan) -

You do the 4 claps in the song 'the Wild Rover' every time without fail

You show your love for friends and family by insulting them -

You learn to drive at the age of twelve on someone's tractor

You can call someone a mad ##### and mean it as a compliment

“I will my arse “ means No

You live in a tiny town where everyone knows everything about anyone -

You make the pledge but break it that night

You touch the electric fence for the ‘craic’

You greet your friends with an insult

GAA is more important than anything

You know at least 20 Marys

The best reason to do something is for the ‘craic’

When all your phone calls end in "Right bye, bye, bye, bye, bye"

Irishness is...

That mini heart attack you get if you go out and forget to turn off the immersion

You're not drinking? Are you on antibiotics?

Wallpaper on your school books

Boil everything in a huge pot for 3 hours

Being absolutely terrified of a wooden spoon

Going mental at concerts because famous people rarely come over

Flat 7UP heals all illnesses

Ireland is......

Where people say "I'm grand"

Where "I will yeah" means No

Where it always seems to be raining