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Major Events in Dublin December 2012.

Updated Dec 14th 2012.

Martin O'DriscollMartin O'Driscoll

Dundrum on Ice

1st November 2012 – 31st January 2013

Venue: Dundrum Town Centre


I-Skate @ the RDS

16th November 2012 – 6th January 2013

Venue: RDS


I-Skate is Ireland’s newest ice rink and the largest with over 1,000 square metres of real ice!

Santa's Playland

24th November 2012 – 23rd December 2012

Venue: Ambassador Theatre


Santa's Playland has taken over The Ambassador Theatre, Dublin. It boasts a huge Play Area full of Christmas treats with bouncy castles, slides and Christmas displays. And of course the Big Man himself will be there and every child will receive a present from Santa

The Moving Crib at St. Martin Apostolate

26th November 2012 – 6th January 2013

Venue: Dublin (Saint Martin’s Apostolate, 42 Parnell Square, Dublin 1)


The Moving Crib in St. Martin Apostolate is one of the most charming scenes of Christmas in Dublin City. It has fascinated generations of children for 50 years. The Moving Crib, with its old world charm, was designed to teach children about the birth of Christ.

Beauty and the Beast

30th November 2012 – 13th January 2013

Venue: The Helix


Once upon a time, a young selfish prince was transformed by an enchantress into a hideous beast; the only way the curse could ever be broken was to learn to love another.

A Winter's Tale Paintings & Print

1st December 2012 – 30th January 2013

Venue: Mill Theatre


Sheila McCarron’s work has always reflected her life and “A Winter’s Tale” represents a journey which reflects on the past, while at the same time looking to the future.

Christmas Season at Farmleigh House

1st December 2012 – 23rd December 2012

Venue: Farmleigh House


During December Farmleigh House will have food markets each weekend, as well as a number of other events.

If you would like a listing on the event calendar for Dublin events then drop me a line. The listing is updated every week.

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