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Nominations are closing shortly for the BSGA ‘Young Sign Maker of the Year’ award sponsored by Roland DG.

Offered in recognition of the next generation of hardworking talent emerging in the UK sign industry, nominations for the BSGA ‘Young Sign Maker of the Year’ 2016 will shortly be closing for entries on 5th of August 2016. Sponsored by Roland DG, the award acknowledges the next generation of print, and for the second year running the BSGA judging panel will have a tough choice with entries already being of a high standard.

Nominated by impressed line managers and team members across the UK, submissions for the prestigious title are made through the BSGA Awards website. Registrations end shortly; but there is still time to suggest a deserving young sign maker in your business for the award. Adjudication is by an independent panel of expert judges selected by the BSGA.

The winners’ announcement will take place at the BSGA Gala Award Ceremony which Roland DG is delighted to be attending as a key sponsor and to present the award. This year’s event will take place on the 3rd of November 2016 at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham.

As the UK market’s leading manufacturer of wide format digital printers for durable graphics, Roland DG is committed to supporting and celebrating young skill and talent in the sign industry, and underpins Roland DG’s commitment to inspire loyal, long-lasting relationships and educational support across the industry, from veterans of the business to those just starting out.

To find out more about the BSGA awards and entry process CLICK HERE.

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